There is a basis question which puzzles me for a while. The question is the following:
Let $X\ge 2,$ and $\lambda(n)$ be the $n$-th Fourier coefficient of a $GL(2)$ newform of prime level $N>1$, with $N\ll X$ and the trivial nebentypus.
If one could show $$\sum_{p\le X} \lambda^2(p)\gg X^{1-\varepsilon}, \quad \tag{1}$$ where the implied constant does not depend on the level $N$?
My understanding is that, note that $\lambda^2(p)=1+\lambda(p^2)$ if $p\nmid N$, so that the sum in (1) becomes $$\pi(X)+\frac{1}{N}-1+\sum_{p\le X} \lambda(p^2),$$ while this guy, $\lambda(p^2)$, may be viewed as the Fourier coefficient of the the symmetric-square lift of $f$, i.e., $\text{sym}^2f$, which is however a $GL(3)$ Maass form by Gelbart and Jacquet's theory. One may thus show, by appealing to Theorem 5.13 of I-K's book, the following $$\sum_{p\le X}\lambda(p^2) =\pi(X)+O\left\{X\exp\left(- \frac{c\log X}{\sqrt{\log X}+\log N}\right) \right \} $$ for some computable constant $c>0$, where the implied $O$-constant is absolute. Thus one may deduce that the sum in (1) equals $$\pi(X)+\left\{X\exp\left(- \frac{c\log X}{\sqrt{\log X}+\log N}\right) \right \}\quad \tag{2}.$$ But it seems one fails to show that the error-term in (2) is $\gg X^{1-\varepsilon}$; for example, if one takes $N=X^{\delta}$ for some $\delta<1$, we find the error-term is $\gg X$. It seems one cannot achieve a power-saving.
If any expert leans something on this topic, please show a guide. Thanks in advance! And thanks for your time.