BACKGROUND: The question, which has its roots in a question asked on MO by O'Bryant, concerns the relative density of certain subsets, $B$, of ${\mathbb N}$ in congruence classes modulo a power of 2. Let $I$ be such a congruence class. I'll say that $B$ is "stable in $I$" if there is a $c$ such that $B$ has relative density $c$ in $J$ whenever $J$ is a congruence class contained in $I$ whose modulus is also a power of 2.
Suppose $B$ consists of all $n$ such that the coefficient of $x^n$ in the reciprocal of the element $g=1+x+x^4+x^9+x^{16}+\dots$ of ${\mathbb Z}/2[[x]]$ is 1. Cooper et al. showed that $B$ has density 0 in 12 of the mod 16 congruence classes. I extended the result to 3 of the 4 remaining classes. But calculations by O'Bryant suggest that in the class 15 mod 16, $B$ is stable with relative density $1/2$. For a detailed account see my note Disquisitiones Arithmeticae and online sequence A108345.
These QUESTIONS pertain to sets introduced by Cooper et. al:
Replace the exponents $0, 1, 4, 9, \dots$ in $g$ by the numbers $3n^2-2n$, $n \in {\mathbb Z}$, to get a new $B$. This $B$ has density 0 in 7 of the classes mod 8. Does the computer suggest that it is stable with relative density 1/2 in the class 0 mod 8?
Suppose the exponents are $5n^2-4n$, $n \in {\mathbb Z}$. Does the computer suggest that there's a $q$ such that the new $B$ you get is stable in each mod $q$ congruence class? And if so, what do the relative densities appear to be? (The density is provably 0 in some mod 8 classes).
Answer the same question as 2. when the exponents are the $5n^2-2n$, $n \in {\mathbb Z}$.
EDIT: I'll give a modified and generalized version of the question (and an expansion of my answer) using notation and ideas from my MO question on characteristic 2 thetas. Let $L$ be the field of formal Laurent series in $x$ over ${\bf Z}/2$. If $f$ (not zero) is in $L$, $B(f)$ consists of all $n$ for which the coefficient of $x^n$ in $1/f$ is 1. Now fix $l=2m+1$, $m>0$, and for $i$ in $\lbrace1,...,m\rbrace$ let $[i]$ be the element of ${\bf Z}/2[[x]]$ defined in the "thetas" question.
Question: For $q$ a power of 2, what does the computer suggest about the relative density of $B([i])$ in the various mod $q$ congruence classes? (Since all elements of $B[i]$ are congruent to $-(i^2)$ mod $l$, these relative densities are at most $1/l$).
Example: When $l=3$, it can be shown that $B([i])$ has density 0 in all congruence classes mod 8, with the possible exception of 7. And the computer (perhaps) indicates that in the 7 mod 8 class (or any class contained therein) the relative density is 1/6.
My "answer" generalizes the first sentence of the example. I made no computer calculations--indeed the computer evidence is at first sight contrary to my results because of the slow approach to zero. Let $L(q)$ contained in $L$ be the field of formal Laurent series in $x^q$. Then $L$ is the direct sum of the $(x^k)L(q)$, $k$ in $\lbrace0,...,q-1\rbrace$. Let $p_{(q,k)}$ be the obvious projection map $L\to(x^k)L(q)$. Let $S$ contained in
${\bf Z}/2[[x]]$
be the smallest ring that contains all the $[i]$ and is stable under the $p_{(q,k)}$ for all $q$ and $k$. It can be shown that every element of $S$ is the mod 2 reduction of the Fourier series of an integral weight modular form for a congruence group. A theorem of Serre then shows that if $\sum((c_n)(x^n))$ is in $S$ then the set of $n$ for which $c_n$ is 1 has density 0.
As a corollary one finds: Let $p$ be a $p_{(q,k)}$. If $p(1/[i])$ is in $S$ then $B([i])$ has density 0 in the class $k$ mod $q$.
By making use of the quintic relations from my theta question I can show that the hypothesis of the theorem holds in various cases. In particular suppose $i$ is prime to l. When $l=5$, $B=B([i])$ has density 0 in each mod 32 class except perhaps the 5 classes $n=7$ mod 8 and $n=28$ mod 32. When $l=7$, $B$ has density 0 in each mod 32 class except perhaps the 7 classes 7 mod 8, 14 mod 16 and 28 mod 32. When $l=9$, $B$ has density 0 in each mod 64 class except perhaps the 19 classes 1 and 7 mod 8, 28 mod 32, and 48 mod 64.
In the various classes qualified by "except perhaps" in the above paragraph (and the subclasses contained therein) it seems plausible that the relative densities are $1/(2l)$. But this may be wishful thinking. I hope that someone will make further calculations.
FURTHER EDIT: Heres a more explicit and more speculative version of my question. Let n_j be the negative exponents appearing in the Laurent series 1/[i], 1/[2i], 1/[4i], i/[8i],..., and q_j be the largest power of 2 dividing n_j.
QUESTION: Does computer evidence support the following speculations?
(1) The relative density of B([i]) in each congruence class n_j mod 8q_j, and in all congruence classes modulo a power of 2 contained therein, is 1/(2l).
(2) Outside of these congruence classes B([i]) has density 0.
For example when l=9 and i=1 the n_j are -16,-7,-4 and -1, and the classes in (1) are 1 mod 8, -1 mod 8, -4 mod 32 and -16 mod 128. The technique I indicated in my earlier edit shows that (2) holds in this case, so one gets 128-37 classes mod 128 where B has density 0. The technique also shows that (2) holds when l=3,5 or 7. This isn't much evidence, and there's far less for (1). But as these are the simplest answers one might hope for, I'd be interested in any calculations concerning them.