Consider the space of probability densities $(P(\mathbb{R}^d), W_2)$ (probability measures on $\mathbb{R}^d$ with 2-Wasserstein distance).
How can we determine if a subset $Q$ is convex?
I know that a set $A$ is convex iff for all $x,y \in A$, the point on the 'line segment' $\lambda x + (1-\lambda) y$ for $\lambda \in [0,1]$ is contained in $A$.
Let's say $Q$ = {mixtures of $N$ Gaussians}. Do we know the optimal transport between any two mixtures of $N$ gaussians? Is the 'line segment' between them also a mixture of Gaussians along the optimal transport path?
Let's say $Q$ = {product densities} (i.e. densities that have independent marginals). What about the 'line segment' in W2 space here?
I don't have much intuition about the optimal transport plan between two distributions. Any help would be appreciated, thanks!