Let $K'/K$ be an extension of fields and set $X=\operatorname{Spec}(K)$ and $X'=\operatorname{Spec}(K')$. As the category of locally ringed spaces has fibre products (see arXiv:1103.2139 or here) we have a base change functor $F$ from the category of locally ringed spaces over $X$ to the category of locally ringed spaces over $X'$. As usual, a descent datum on a locally ringed space $Y'$ over $X'$ is an isomorphism $Y'\times_X X'\to X'\times_X Y'$ over $X'\times_X X'$ satisfying a cocycle condition. Then $F$ can be considered as a functor from the category of locally ringed spaces over $X$ to the category of locally ringed spaces over $X'$ equipped with a descent datum.
My question is, is this functor an equivalence of categories?
If we replace the category of locally ringed spaces with the category of schemes the answer is no. There the problem is that there might not be an open affine cover of $Y'$ that is stable under the descent datum. So if we get rid of the "cover with open affines" condition, i.e., replacing schemes with locally ringed spaces, there might still be hope for a positive answer.
If we replace the category of locally ringed spaces with ringed spaces the answer seems to be yes. In ringed spaces the underlying topological space of a fibre product is the fibre product of the underlying topological spaces. So base change over a field extension really does not change the topological space and it follows from the cocycle condition that the underlying map of the descent datum must be the identity. Then everything reduces to the standard descent result for algebras by looking at the sections.