In this wonderful lecture note on Clifford Algebra and Spin(N) Representations,
Somehow I find some inconsistency with his Tables of Euclidean and Minkowski fermions, compared with the Table of Wikipedia. (see the bottom
Wikipedia page shows that for Euclidean fermions, even 6d (6,0) and 7d (7,0) have Majorana fermions. But his Table says NO Majorana in both 6d (6,0) and 7d (7,0).
Wikipedia page shows that for Minkowski fermions, even 8d (7,1) and 1d (0,1) or 9d (8,1) have Majorana fermions. But his Table says NO Majorana in both 8k and 8k+1 d.
Could any expert clarify why there is a discrepancy above? In summary, in Wikipedia, out of mod 8 dimensions, Wikipedia shows that 5 out of 8 cases have Majorana fermions, in both Euclidean and Minkowski signatures. This lecture note on Clifford Algebra and Spin(N) Representations only said that 3 out of 8 cases have Majorana fermions, in both Euclidean and Minkowski signatures.
Here I marked the red colors for the inconsistency data of this lecture note compared with Wikipedia Table.