In his book Foundations of quantum group theory, Majid defines (2.1.10) a ribbon Hopf algebra as a quasi-triangular Hopf algebra $(H, R)$ with a special central element $v \in H$ satisfying
(1) $v^2 = u S(u)$ ($u$ being the Drinfeld element),
(2) $\Delta v = (R_{21}R_{12})^{-1}v \otimes v$,
(3) $\varepsilon v =1$,
(4) $Sv=v$.
He claims (without proof) that the axioms are not independent, namely:
Claim 1: (1), (2) imply (4)
Claim 2: (2), (3), (4) imply (1)
I was able neither to prove the claims nor to find some reference where this is done. Can anyone help with a proof/reference?