Let $S$ be subset of $\{0,1\}^n$ with cardinality $k$.
Denote by $\Gamma_r(S)$ the union of all Hamming balls with centers in $S$ and radius $r$.
Harpers's theorem states that $\Gamma_d(S)$ is minimal if $S$ is a Hamming ball (see also this question).
Denote this minimal number by $V(k, r)$. My question is about a robust version of this theorem. Assume that $\Gamma_r(S) \le \text{poly}(n) \cdot V(k, r)$.
Can we say that then 99% points of $S$ belongs to a union of $2^{o(n)}$ Hamming balls with radius $r_{\min} + o(n)$?
Here $r_{\min}$ is the smallest number such that the volume of Hamming ball with radius $r_{\min}$ is greater than $k$.
UPD: I have found two related papers: Vertex-isoperimetric stability in the hypercube and Stability for vertex isoperimetry in the cube
The authors there prove that if poly(n) = 1 + o(1) then almost all of $S$ belongs to a single Hamming ball.
UPD2: The question is also interesting if we assume that $r(n)=\Omega(n)$ and $p(n)=\text{const}$.