Let M be a model category presenting an ∞-category $\mathcal{M}$, and let $f : X \to Y$ and $g : Y \to Z$ be arrows of M. Consider the following propositions:
- The connected component of $f$ in $\mathcal{M}(X,Y)$ is contractible
- $\mathcal{M}(X, Y) \xrightarrow{g_*} \mathcal{M}(X, Z)$ restricts to a homotopy equivalence between the connected components of $f$ and $gf$
When can these propositions be expressed in an elementary way from the model structure on M?
I'm interested in the second proposition (it relates to homotopy uniqueness for properties expressed by arrows and extensions along arrows). But in the case $Z$ is fibrant, it can be reduced to the the first question for $f \in \mathbf{M}_{/Z}(gf, g)$. Conversely, the first proposition is the $Z=1$ case of the second.
Given a simplicial model category, when $X$ is cofibrant and $Y,Z$ are fibrant — or a general relative category by first computing a simplicial localization — one could answer these questions by appealing to the corresponding questions of simplicial sets.
However, I'm hoping there's a useful way to express these propositions somewhat more directly in terms of the the model structure on M rather than having to appeal to more elaborate consturctions.