A partition of $n$ is a non-increasing sequence of positive integers of sum $n$. Several lattices are defined over integer partitions, in particular the dominance order and the Young lattice.
Several combinatorial objects are in bijection with integer partitions and their lattice structures. For instance, Dyck words have the Young lattice structure, and the linear Sand Pile Model and its Brylawski extension have the dominance order lattice structure.
Going further, one may define plane integer partitions, and generalized integer partitions. A generalized partition of $n$ on a given directed acyclic graph is a positive weight for each vertex such that the weight sum is $n$ and weights are non-increasing when we follow edges. Such partitions also have a Young lattice structure.
Plane partitions and Young lattice are in bijection with rhombus tilings of hexagons with flips (figure below, better resolution here), and generalized partitions are in bijection with rhombus tilings of 2D-gons.
I am interested in finding more combinatorial objects in bijection with (meaningful subsets of) (various kinds of) integer partitions, in particular (but not necessarily) if they preserve a lattice structure.