This is a small clarification of Jens Hemelaer's answer, but it is essentially the same point: Internal locales in a presheaf category are actually very different from "presheaf of locales".
I'm denoting by $\mathcal{Loc}$ the category of locales, with morphisms in the geometric direction (i.e. if $f:X \to Y$ is a morphism in $\mathcal{Loc}$, then we have a morphism of frame $f^*: \mathcal{O}(Y) \to \mathcal{O}(X)$.
In An extension of the Galois theory of Grothendieck (Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society vol 51 (1984) — Which I unfortunately cannot find an online version) Joyal and Tierney prove the following (it also appears as pointed out by Jens as Lemma C.1.6.9 in Sketches of an Elephant):
Theorem Let $A$ be a category with finite limits. Then a locale in the presheaf topos $Psh(A)$ is given by a functor $X: A \to Loc$ such that
(1) For each arrow $f:A \to B$, the induced map of locales $X(A) \to X(B)$ is an open map. That is:
(1a) the map $f^*:\mathcal{O}(X(B)) \to \mathcal{O}(X(A))$ has a further left adjoint $f_!$ and
(1b) it satisfies the Frobenius identity $f_!(f^*(x) \wedge y ) = x \wedge f_!(y)$.
(2) For each pullback square you have a Beck–Chevalley condition: $g^* f_! = k_! h^*$
However, that doesn't apply to $\Delta$ immediately as it does not have finite limits.
What I wanted to say is that, using the same methods their results can be improved as follows:
Proposition: If one remove the assumption that $A$ has finite limits in the theorem, then the result still holds if we replace condition (2) by:
(2') for every copan $X \overset{f} \to B \overset{g}{\leftarrow} Y$ we have
$$ g^* f_! = \sup k_! h^*$$
where the supremum is over all pairs of maps $(k,h)$ in $A$ that complete the cospan $(f,g)$ into a commutative square.
Note that it is easy to recover condition (2) from condition (2') when the pullback exists, as the $k_! f^*$ corresponding to the pullback is easily seen to be maximal amongst all these corresponding to arbitrary commutative square.
I worked that out myself a long time ago and never published it, but it might very well be somewhere else in the literature, I'd be happy to add a reference if someone knows one! (to some extent, it is relatively easy to deduce it from Corollary C;1.6.10 of the Elephant, though)
I suspect that condition (2) and (2') have some sort of geometric interpretation, but I haven't worked it out explicitly.
For these interested one can even generalize to the situation where $A$ has a Grothendieck topology, in this case internal locales in the sheaf topos are these that further satisfy the condition:
(3) For each covering family $(B_i \to B)$ in $A$, the maps $X(B_i) \to X(B)$ are jointly a covering.
Here I mean that the open map $\left( \coprod X(B_i) \right) \to X(B)$ is actually an open surjection.
So in any case, internal locales in simplicial sets are fairly different from simplicial spaces. They are cosimplicial spaces whose structural map are open and that further satisfies this condition (2').