Let $H$ and $K$ be Hilbert spaces. Recall that a closed subspace $V\subset B(H,K)$ is called a ternary ring of operators(TRO) if $xy^*z \in V$ for all $x,y,z \in V$. Obviously a TRO is also a operator space.
Let $V\subset B(H_1,K_1)$ and $W\subset B(H_2,K_2)$ be two TROs. We consider operator space Haagerup tensor product $V\otimes_{\rm h}W$ of operator spaces $V$ and $W$. It is well known that $V\otimes_{\rm h}W$ is operator space. Is it true that $V\otimes_{\rm h}W$ is also a TRO?
P.S: The same question was first posted on MSE but I dint get any answer there.