Let $X$ and $Y$ be topological manifolds and let $\{(\phi_x,U_x)\}_{x \in X}$ and $\{(\psi_y,Y_y)\}_{y \in Y}$ be respective atlases of $X$ and $Y$; with each $\phi_x:U_x\rightarrow \mathbb{R}^n,\psi_y:V_y\rightarrow\mathbb{R}^m$ homomorphism onto their images and each $U_x,V_y$ open and non-empty.
Suppose that I'm given $\{f_x\in C(\phi_x(U_x),\mathbb{R}^m)\}_{x \in X}$. Can (when) I find a map $F:X\rightarrow Y$ (just a plane set-function) such that: $$ \psi_{F(x)}\circ f_x\circ \phi_x , $$ is a well-defined element of $C(X,Y)$?
Can this always be done if $X$ and $Y$ are topological manifolds? If not, what if we assume them to be $C^{\infty}$?
Concern: My only real concern is if we can "glue together" the $f_x\circ \phi_x$ by post-composing with the correct $\psi_y$ (as assigned by $F$). I imagine this requires some type of condition on the $\{f_x\}_{x \in X}$?
Note A: I added the tag 'sheaf' since I feel like that may be a reasonable (possible) way to approach this problem.
Note B: The usual condition of requiring that $f_x\circ \phi_x|_{U_x \cap U_y} = f_y\circ \phi_y|_{U_x \cap U_y}$ for all $x$ and $y$ is only necessary in this case?