Let $\varphi\colon A\to B$ be a bounded, linear map between C*-algebras. Is the bitranspose $\varphi^{**}\colon A^{**}\to B^{**}$ continuous when the von Neumann algebras $A^{**}$ and $B^{**}$ are equipped with their $\sigma$-strong topologies?
Motivation/Background: Note that $\varphi^{**}$ is clearly continuous when $A^{**}$ and $B^{**}$ are equipped with their $\sigma$-weak topologies, since these agree with the weak${}^*$-topology from the preduals, and $\varphi^{**}$ is weak${}^*$-continuous (that is, $\sigma(A^{**},A^*)-\sigma(B^{**},B^*)$-continuous).
If $\varphi$ if completely positive, then it follows that $\varphi^{**}$ is a completely positive, normal map, and therefore is continuous for the $\sigma$-strong topologies. Thus, the question is only interesting if $\varphi$ is not completely positive.
On bounded sets of a von Neumann algebra, the $\sigma$-strong topology agrees with the strong (operator) topology (SOT). If $M\subseteq B(H)$ is a von Neumann algebra, then a net $(a_j)_j$ in $M$ SOT-converges to $a\in M$ if $\|a_j\xi-a\xi\|\to 0$ for every $\xi\in H$.