Let $X$ be a smooth affine scheme over a finite field $k$. Then there exists a smooth affine formal scheme $\mathfrak{X}$ over $W(k)$ with a lift $\sigma$ of the Frobenius. A convergent $F$-isocrystal on $X$ is a vector bundle $\mathcal{V}$ on $\mathcal{X}_{K}$ with an integrable connection and an isomorphism $\sigma^*\mathcal{V}\cong \mathcal{V}$, where we see $\mathcal{X}_K$ as a rigid analytic space.
This is probably naive, but if we have a scheme-theoretic lift to $W(k)$ , that is to say a scheme $\mathcal{X}\to W(k)$ such that $\mathcal{X}\times_{W(k)} k\cong X$, with a lift of Frobenius $F$, is giving a vector bundle $\mathcal{E}$ on $\mathcal{X}_K$ with an integrable connection and an isomorphism $F^*\mathcal{E}\cong \mathcal{E}$ equivalent to the datum of a convergent $F$-isocrystal?
One reason why I'd like this to be true would be that in that case presumably we would have $$H^i_{rig}(X,\mathcal{V})\cong H^i(\mathcal{X}_K,\text{DR}(\mathcal{E}))$$ extending the comparision of crystaline cohomology with the de Rham cohomology of a lift (under favourable conditions). The reason why I hope this to be true is that we have rigid GAGA, but I'm not sure.