I am trying to get a lower bound (or even the exact value) of
$$ \min_{X \in \mathbb{R}^{n\times n}} \|X - I_n\|_{\infty} \enspace \text{s.t.} \enspace \mbox{Rank}(X) = m $$
where $m \leq n$, and the infinity norm is
$$ \| X \|_{\infty} := \max_{ij}|X_{ij}| $$
I have a very simple lower bound, obtained with norm equivalence:
$$\|X - I_n\|_{\infty} \geq \frac{1}{n} \|X - I_n\|_F\geq \frac{\sqrt{n - m}}{n}$$
but this is obviously not tight, and experiments suggest that the scaling is wrong.
Thanks a lot ! :)