Let $\mathcal{D}$ be a $k$-linear, Hom-finite triangulated category with a Serre functor $\mathbb{S}$. An important class of objects in $\mathcal{D}$ are the cluster-tilting objects, which have many nice properties.
Definition 2.10. (1) An object $T$ in $\mathcal{D}$ is called rigid if $\operatorname{Ext}_{\mathcal{D}}^{1}(T, T)=0$.
(2) An object $T$ in $\mathcal{D}$ is called maximal rigid if it is rigid and maximal with respect to the property: $$ \operatorname{add} T=\left\{X \in \mathcal{D} \mid \operatorname{Ext}_{\mathcal{D}}^{1}(T \oplus X, T \oplus X)=0\right\}. $$
(3) An object $T$ in $\mathcal{D}$ is called cluster-tilting if $$ \operatorname{add} T=\left\{X \in \mathcal{D} \mid \operatorname{Ext}_{\mathcal{D}}^{1}(T, X)=0\right\}=\left\{X \in \mathcal{D} \mid \operatorname{Ext}_{\mathcal{D}}^{1}(X, T)=0\right\}. $$
Could you please tell me the reason for these three names and motivation for these definitions? Thank you!