The question you ask is, in my opinion, extremely important: decomposing a graph into a (small) set of small graphs (the tiles or ego-centered sub-graphs, for instance), and then characterizing how these small graphs are combined in the initial graph and how this induces its properties,
certainly is a great way to get insight on the graph under concern. This is a typical reductionnist approach.
Let me explain a small step we made in this direction a few years ago.
First notice that many graphs met in practice have a high local density, captured, e.g., by the clustering coefficient (which is nothing but the density of your tiles). We said that this may be seen as an indication of the fact that these graphs are composed of many cliques combined together. In other words, they are projection of bipartite graphs (either a known bipartite graph, or built from an edge clique cover of the graph, or another set of cliques such that each edge belongs to at least one). The structure of this bipartite graph tells what clique sizes arisen and how they are combined to get the whole graph.
We explored in particular two kinds of bipartite graphs: random ones with prescribed degree distributions, and some produced by a kind of preferential attachment. More details are available in the paper
Bipartite Graphs as Models of Complex Networks, by
Jean-Loup Guillaume and myself, and formal analysis is available in A scale-free graph model based on bipartite graphs by Etienne Birmelé. It is shown in particular that the degree distribution and clustering coefficient of graphs under concern may be seen as consequence of such an underlying bipartite structure.
One may iterate this idea and describe the obtained bipartite graph by a tripartite graph encoding its bipartite cliques, see A random model that relies on maximal bicliques to preserve the overlaps in bipartite networks by Fabien Tarissan and Lionel Tabourier. More theoretical work on the iteration of such operators is available in On the Termination of Some Biclique Operators on Multipartite Graphs by Christophe Crespelle, myself, and Thi Ha Duong Phan, as well as in Termination of Multipartite Graph Series Arising from Complex Network Modelling by myself, Thi Ha Duong Phan, Christophe Crespelle, and Thanh Qui Nguyen.
This is quite far from what you primarily ask, though, as this is focused only on clique tiles that are not necessarily defined as in your post. Still, I hope this gives some insight.