Recall Schur's Lemma for Gieseker-semistable sheaves, in particular the injectivity statement:
Let $\psi : F \to G$ be a morphism of Gieseker-semistable sheaves. If $p(F)=p(G)$ and $F$ is stable, then $\psi$ is either injective or zero.
where $p(-)$ is the reduced Hilbert polynomial. My question is: is there a variant/similar statement for sheaves with different Hilbert polynomials?
I have heard that one can use $p_{-}(-)$ and $p_{+}(-)$ coming from the Harder-Narasimhan filtration. Does anyone have a reference for this/know the statement? In the book of Huybrechts-Lehn, there is the statement $p_-(F)>p_+(G)$ implies $\psi=0$, but there doesn't seem to be a statement regarding injectivity.