I'm currently reading Mar's and Springer's Character Sheaves. In Chapter 2 (Kummer local systems on tori), they provide a construction of Kummer local systems on a torus $T$ by way of the $m^{th}$ power isogeny, whose Galois covering $_m T$ is the group of elements of $T$ with order dividing $m$. For a character $x$ of $T$, we get a character $\chi_{x,m}$ of $_m T$ by $$\chi_{x,m}(t) = x(t).$$
They then remark that this lifts to a one-dimensional representation of $\pi_1(T, e)$ and so the equivalence of categories between local systems and $\pi_1(T,e)$-reps. by monodromy gives us a local system on $T$.
My question is: why does $\chi_{x,m}$ lift to a $\pi_1(T,e)$-rep. (what are we even lifting over?) and does the resulting local system have an easy explicit description?