The "slice" construction associates to a functor $f\colon C\to D$ a category $C_{f/}$, whose objects are pairs $(d,f\xrightarrow{\gamma}\kappa_d)$, where $d$ is an object of $D$, and $\kappa_d\colon C\to D$ is the constant functor with value $d$, and whose morphisms $d\to d'$ compatible with the data. This has the following kind of functoriality: $$ C'\xrightarrow{j} C\xrightarrow{f} D\xrightarrow{p} D' \qquad \mapsto \qquad D_{f/}\to D'_{pfj/}. $$ That is, the slice construction is a functor $\def\Tw{\mathrm{Tw}} \Tw(\mathrm{Cat})\to \mathrm{Cat}$ from the twisted arrow category on $\mathrm{Cat}$.
The $\infty$-categorical generalization of this was introduced by Joyal, and is a functor $\Tw(\mathrm{sSet})\to \mathrm{sSet}$, which extends the one defined above and restricts to a functor $\Tw(\mathrm{qCat})\to \mathrm{qCat}$, where $\mathrm{qCat}$ is the 1-category of quasicategories (=$\infty$-categories).
The question is: does this admit a refinement to a functor $\Tw(\mathrm{Cat}_\infty)\to \mathrm{Cat}_\infty$ between $\infty$-categories? (Note that the $\Tw$ construction does in fact make sense for simplicial sets, and thus for quasicategories.)
If so, then such a functor will classify some cocartesian fibration of the form $??\to \Tw(\mathrm{Cat}_\infty)$. Is there some description of $??$?
Finally, I should note that such a construction (if it exists) would still miss some 2-categorical phenomena. For instance, the restriction functor $$\def\Fun{\mathrm{Fun}}\Fun(C^\rhd,D)\to \Fun(C,D)$$ is a Cartesian fibration, and its fiber over a functor $f\colon C\to D$ is equivalent to the slice $D_{f/}$. Thus this is classified by some functor $\Fun(C,D)^{\mathrm{op}}\to \mathrm{Cat}_\infty$, so that "$(f\to f') \mapsto (D_{f'/}\to D_{f/})$". Has this been studied anywhere?