A Künneth formula by Grothendieck/Schwartz states the following:
Let $A, B$ be chain complexes of nuclear Fréchet spaces. If the differentials $d_A, d_B$ are topological homomorphisms (meaning in this setting: if they have closed ranges), then we have the Künneth formula $$H(A \, \hat \otimes \, B ) \cong H(A) \, \hat \otimes \, H(B). \quad \quad\quad (*)$$
I would like to apply this statement to more than two product factors, and to do so, it would suffice that the range of the differential on the product space be closed again. Is there an easy way to see why/if this is true? I've tried to deduce it from the proof given in their paper, but somehow I don't see it, because the range of the product differential does not seem to come up explicitly.
On the one hand, the closed range property seems quite fickle and is in general not closed under linear combinations, and I fear that an expression like $d_A \otimes \text{id} + \text{id} \otimes d_B$ might be too general to hope for the closed range property again.
On the other hand, the RHS of $(*)$ is canonically a Fréchet space again, the LHS only if the range of the product differential is closed. If this isomorphism held, but the product differential range was not closed, I feel that would be quite strange...