This is a corollary of some basic results in dynamics of entire functions.
The scheme of the proof is the following:
a) the attraction basin of 0 is not empty (since 0 is a rational neutral fixed point).
b) the only singular value -1 must be attracted to 0 (Fatou's theorem)
c) there are no other cycles of Fatou domains (this uses Fatou's classification of basins of attraction, their relation to singular values, and the No-Wandering-Domains Theorem)
d) Thus Fatou set coincides with the basin of 0.
e) The rest is Julia set which is nowhere dense (by result of Fatou, it is either the whole plane or nowhere dense).
All this can be found in the paper:
Eremenko and Lyubich, Dynamical properties of some classes of entire functions,
Ann. Inst Fourier, 42 (1992) 989-1020.
All these results are classic, (due to Pierre Fatou) except the No-Wandering-Domains theorem which was proved in the paper cited above, and independently by Goldberg and Keen and (for the exponential function) by Baker and Rippon.
Remark. I believe that one can give a completely elementary proof (not using the No Wandering Domains theorem) by the arguments in the paper by Baker,
Limit functions and sets of non-normality in iteration theory.
Ann. Acad. Sci. Fenn. Ser. A I No. 467 1970 11 pp. But I currently have no access to this paper, so I cannot check. The idea is that when the only singular value is attracted to a fixed point, there can be no wandering domains, and this is elementary.
Another, more easily available reference for an elementary proof is
the paper of Bergweiler et al. On the limit functions of iterates in wandering domains,
Ann. Acad. Sci. Fenn. Ser. A I Math. 18 (1993), no. 2, 369–375.