I need to know if the following system is consistent, because I want to use it in presenting automorphisms over stratified versions of it.
The system I'd label as "Acyclic ZF", which is $\small \sf ZF-Reg.+ acyclic \ AFA + Rank$, is obtained by adding a two place predicate symbol $\mathcal R$ symbolizing is the rank of to the language of $\small \sf ZF$, then replace Regularity by the following two acyclic AFA axioms:
Acyclicity: $\forall x_1,..,x_n: \neg (x_1 \in x_2 \in x_3 \in ... \in x_n \land x_1=x_n)$
Acyclic construction: For every acyclic accessible pointed graph there exists a set whose membership graph is isomorphic to it, where the latter means the membership map on the transitive closure of that set.
Now we define the unary predicate ordinal, symbolized by $\mathcal Ord$, as transitive set of transitive sets. To be emphasized here is that an ordinal can be a von Neumann or may not be so! If the ordinal is well founded on $\in$, then it is a von Neumann ordinal, if not then its to be called as a non-standard ordinal, or even more outrageously an ill-founded ordinal. We make axioms to the effect that the ranking relation $\mathcal R$ constitute a partial function from ordinals to sets such that the indexed sets would correspond to iterative powers similar to the buildup of the cumulative hierarchy. Formally this is:
$\forall a,b,c,d: \mathcal R(a,b) \land \mathcal R(c,d) \longrightarrow [a=c \Leftrightarrow b=d]$
$\forall x: \exists y (\mathcal R (x,y)) \iff \mathcal Ord(x)$
$\forall \alpha \forall x \forall y: \mathcal R(\alpha, x) \land \mathcal R (\alpha \cup \{\alpha \}, y) \longrightarrow y=\mathcal P(x)$
$\forall \alpha \forall x [(\not \exists \beta: \alpha=\beta \cup \{\beta\}) \land \mathcal R(\alpha,x) \longrightarrow \\ x= \bigcup \{y: \exists \beta \in \alpha ( \mathcal R(\beta,y)) \}]$
$\forall \alpha \forall x : \mathcal R(\alpha,x) \to \alpha \subseteq x \land \alpha \not \in x$
$\forall \alpha \forall x: \mathcal R (\alpha, x) \to \forall y \in x (y \subseteq x)$
The last axiom is to restrict sets to those itrative stages, I'll consider it as a parallel to foundation, that is:
Para-foundation: $\forall x \exists \alpha \exists v : \mathcal R(\alpha, v) \land x \in v$
Now, is Acyclic ZF consistent?