Consider $\mathbb CP^n$ and let $H\subset \mathbb CP^n$ be a hyperplane. Suppose $\varphi: \mathbb CP^n\to H$ is a rational map that fixes $H$ pointwise. I believe that $\varphi$ must be a projection from a point $p\in \mathbb CP^n\setminus H$ to $H$. How to prove this?
Added. F_L gave a nice counterexample to the above question. But I still hope that the answer is positive if one has the following restriction on $\varphi$:
The intersection of the locus of indeterminacy of $\varphi$ with $H$ has codimension $\ge 2$ in $H$.
Does the statement hold under this additional condition? (In the counter-example of F_L, $p_1\in L$ is a point of indeterminancy of $\varphi$)