Suppose that $\mathbf a = (a_1,...,a_d)$ is a constant in $\mathbb R_{+}^d \setminus \{\mathbf 0\}$ (some $a_i$ can be $0$ but not all, all are $\ge 0$).
Define the set $$S(\mathbf a) = \left\{\mathbf x \in \mathbb C^d:\; \sum_{i=1}^d \frac{x_i +1}{x_i -1}a_i = 1 \right\}.$$
Define the distance of the set to zero as :
$$d(\mathbf a) = \min\limits_{\mathbf x \in S(a)} \sum_{i=1}^d \lvert x_i \rvert$$
How can I caracterize this distance w.r.t the constant $\mathbf a$ ? I am specifically interested in conditions on $\mathbf a$ that will garentie $d(\mathbf a)$ to be smaller or greater than $1$.
I tried to consider the function $f(x) = \frac{x+1}{x-1}$, which is it's own inverse, and apply it componentwise on the frontier of the $\mathbf a$-simplex : $\Delta(\mathbf a) = \left\{\mathbf x:\; \langle \mathbf x, \mathbf a \rangle = 1\right\}$. But this did not help me as my complex geometry knowledge are not as good as i'd like.
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Edit: cross-posted on mathematica stack exchange to eventually find aa numerical/analyticial solution