
This question is inspired by the recent one about Gaussian measures over the reals:

What makes Gaussian distributions special?

I would be interested in a similar list of characterizations for the probability measure, on the field of $p$-adic numbers $\mathbb{Q}_p$, whose density with respect to the standard additive Haar measure is given by the indicator function of the ring of $p$-adic integers $\mathbb{Z}_p$.


1 Answer 1


Perhaps one answer is the appearance of the Gaussian in the oscillator (a.k.a. Weil) representation --- which makes sense even in non-zero characteristic. You're probably aware of the construction of this infinite dimensional representation for the double cover of $\mathrm{SL}_2(\Bbb{R})$. The story for $\mathrm{SL}_2 \big( \Bbb{F}_q \big)$ where $q$ a power of a prime strongly parallels the continuous story except, of course, it's finite:

Choose any non-square $\delta \in \Bbb{F}_q$ and form the quadratic extension $\Bbb{F}_q(\delta) \cong \Bbb{F}_q^2$. As usual, we identify elements of $\Bbb{F}_q(\delta)$ as linear combinations $z = a + \sqrt{\delta} b$ with $a, b \in \Bbb{F}_q$ subject the usual formulae for addition and multiplication; conjugation and norm are expressed as $\bar{z} = a - \sqrt{\delta} b$ and $\mathrm{N}(z) = a^2 - \delta b^2$ respectively. We'll need to choose (any) non-trivial additive character $\psi: \Bbb{F}_q \longrightarrow \Bbb{C}^*$ together with any multiplicative character $\chi: \Bbb{F}_q(\delta)^* \longrightarrow \Bbb{C}^*$ which generates the character group of $\Bbb{F}_q(\delta)^*$. Morally $\psi$ plays the role of the exponential function $\exp: \Bbb{R} \longrightarrow \Bbb{R}^*$ in this finite context. Now set

\begin{equation} W_\chi := \ \left\{ \begin{array}{l} \displaystyle \text{all functions} \ f: \Bbb{F}_q(\delta) \longrightarrow \Bbb{C} \ \ \text{such that} \\ \displaystyle f(wz) = \overline{\chi(w)} \, f(z) \ \text{whenever $\mathrm{N}(w)=1$} \end{array} \right\} \end{equation}

which is $q-1$ dimensional. The oscillator representation $\varrho_\chi: \mathrm{SL}_2(\Bbb{F}_q) \longrightarrow \mathrm{GL}(W_\chi)$ is determined by the action of the follow elements, which generate $\mathrm{SL}_2(\Bbb{F}_q)$:

\begin{equation} \begin{array}{ll} \displaystyle \varrho_\chi { \scriptstyle \begin{pmatrix} x & 0 \\ 0 & x^{-1} \end{pmatrix}} f(z) &\displaystyle = \ f(xz) \\ \displaystyle \displaystyle \varrho_\chi { \scriptstyle \begin{pmatrix} 1 & \ \ y \\ 0 & \ \ 1 \end{pmatrix}} f(z) &\displaystyle = \ \underbrace{\psi \big( y \, \mathrm{N}(z) \big)}_{\text{the Gaussian $G_y(z)$}} \cdot f(z) \\ \displaystyle \displaystyle \varrho_\chi { \scriptstyle \begin{pmatrix} 0 & 1 \\ -1 & 0 \end{pmatrix}} f(z) &\displaystyle = \ -q \widehat{f}(-\bar{z}) \end{array} \end{equation}

where $\widehat{f}$ is the Fourier transform of $f$ with respect to the additive structure of $\Bbb{F}_q(\sqrt{\delta})$. Like the continuous Gaussian, $G_y(z)$ is an eigenfunction of this Fourier transform.

As far as I know, the construction that I've outlined (and which I learned from Amritanshu Prasad's online notes) can be carried out for $\mathrm{SL}_2\big( \Bbb{Z}/q\Bbb{Z} \big)$ where $q= p^N$ is still a power of a fixed prime $p$. Furthermore a coherent choice of additive and multiplicative characters $\psi_N$ and $\chi_N$ can be made for each $N \geq 1$ so that these oscillator representations agree with the inverse system

\begin{equation} 1 \longleftarrow \Bbb{Z}/p\Bbb{Z} \stackrel{\ \text{mod $p$}}{\longleftarrow} \Bbb{Z}/p^2\Bbb{Z} \stackrel{\ \text{mod $p^2$}}{\longleftarrow} \Bbb{Z}/p^3\Bbb{Z} \longleftarrow \, \cdots \end{equation}

thus allowing the oscillator representations $\varrho_{\chi_N}$ to be exported to the $p$-adic integers $\Bbb{Z}_p$, which will inherent some kind of Gaussian-like function $\varprojlim G_{\bf y}$ where ${\bf y}= (y_1,y_2,y_3, \dots)$ and $y_N = y_{N+1} \, \text{mod $p^N$}$ for each $N \geq 1$.

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ I would follow this up with the observation that Young's convolution inequality $\| f * g\|_r \leq c_{p,q} \| f \|_p \, \| g \|_q$ with ${1 \over p} + {1 \over q} = 1 + {1 \over r}$ is maximized when $f$ and $g$ are Gaussians. One might ask whether or not the same characterization holds for the $\Bbb{F}_q$-Gaussians $G_y$. $\endgroup$ Commented Mar 3, 2021 at 4:06
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    $\begingroup$ In a similar vein, the Babenko-Beckner inequality $\| \widehat{f} \|_q \leq \tilde{c}_{p,q} \| f \|_p$ with ${1 \over p} + {1 \over q} = 1$ and $1 < p \leq q$ is maximized by Gaussians. Does this characterize $\Bbb{F}_q$-Gaussians ? Is there some analogue at least ? $\endgroup$ Commented Mar 3, 2021 at 4:33
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    $\begingroup$ Thank you for a very nice answer! I remember reading a long time ago about Segal-Shale-Weil and the metaplectic representation, Mehler's formula etc. Do you know if one gets the Fourier transform as a particular value of the corresponding unitary representation, like at $t=\frac{\pi}{4}$ if I remember correctly for the Oscillator? If so are the eigenfunctions determined, like Hermite functions in the Archimedean case? $\endgroup$ Commented Mar 3, 2021 at 14:58
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    $\begingroup$ I also hope someone will write an answer along the line of your comments, namely some charaterization of the indicator function of $\mathbb{Z}_p$ as some kind of maximizer/minimizer. $\endgroup$ Commented Mar 3, 2021 at 14:59
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    $\begingroup$ If $\delta = -1$ is a non-square in $\Bbb{F}_q$ then the Fourier transform is indeed a special value of the action the subgroup $\mathrm{SO}_2(\Bbb{F}_q)$ consisting of all $2 \times 2$ matrices of the form $\begin{pmatrix} a & b \\ \delta b & a \end{pmatrix}$ with $a^2- \delta b^2 =1$. As far as Hermite functions are concerned, wouldn't you need a good candidate for a laplace operator $\Delta: \Bbb{C} \big[\Bbb{F}_q (\sqrt{ \delta }) \big] \longrightarrow \Bbb{C} \big[\Bbb{F}_q (\sqrt{ \delta }) \big]$ as well as an appropriate $\Bbb{C}$-valued potential function to play the role of $|z|^2$ ? $\endgroup$ Commented Mar 3, 2021 at 16:33

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