I solved the problem by reformulating it using an economic argument.
I find it astonishing how simple the problem becomes after the reformulation/reconceptualization.
I believe there must be a form of mathematical mapping that projects the original problem onto the new problem and I am very curious what that could be.
The argument I use is economic in nature and is probably quite "chatty" for a mathematician.
The Economic Problem
As it is key to my argument, I write the economic problem once again, adding some important details.
The buyer
One buyer wants to buy maximally $J$ units.
For each unit he buys, he earns $v$.
The number of units that is offered to him is $j$.
Thus, for example, with $v=10$ and $j=3, 4, 5, 6, \text{and } 7$, the buyer earns $30, 40, 50, 50, \text{and } 50$.
The price per unit depends on the supply, but has a maximum, $CAP$, set by the buyer.
The number of units that is offered, $j$, follows a random distribution.
When the number of units $j \leq J$, the supply is less than demand, and the price per unit is as high as possible, $CAP$
When the number of units $j > J$, the price per unit is $- \delta C$, where $C$ is the fixed cost of a unit.
The sellers
There are $J$ identical sellers.
Each sellers has a fixed cost of $C$.
For a seller to become eligible to sell to the buyer,
it has to enter the market and I assume that this involves making a sunk investment equal to a proportion of it's cost, $\delta C$.
All sellers decides simultaneously to become eligible with probability $q$.
The probability $q$ is determined so that the sellers make zero profits in expectation.
- $0<q<1$ is the probability of a a unit being offered
- $v>0$ is the value of a unit for the buyer \
- $C>0$ is the fixed cost of the unit for the seller and $C<<v$ \
- $0<- \delta C<C$ is the \textit{negative} price of a unit when $j>J$.\
- $CAP>C$ is the price of a unit when $j \leq $ and a parameter to set by the buyer.
The Original Formulation
The buyer wants to maximize its profit leads and thus originally I started out writing the Lagrangian:
(v-CAP) \sum_{j=1}^J j \cdot q^j (1-q)^{N-j} \binom{N}{j} \\
& +
(v- c + \delta C) \sum_{j=J+1}^{N} J \cdot q^j (1-q)^{N-j} \binom{N}{j} \notag \\
& +
\lambda \Bigg\{(CAP-C) \sum_{j=1}^J q^{j-1} (1-q)^{N-1-j} \binom{N-1}{j-1} \notag \\
& -
\delta C \sum_{j=J+1}^{N} q^{j-1} (1-q)^{N-1-j} \binom{N-1}{j-1} \Bigg\} \notag &&
However, as detailed in my post above, this approach led to a non-concave objective function and the proof that the Lagrangian has slope zero when $CAP=v$ alone is torturous,
Moreover, the proof does not establish it is a maximum, let alone a global maximum.
Alternative (but equivalent) Formulation
The problem can be reformulated after applying some economic intuition.
The question I ask is in what precise cases the buyer's profit decreases.
There are two such cases.
1. Over-entry
When $j>J$ sellers decide to enter, then $j-J$ of them will not be able to sell and have made the sunk cost, $\delta C$, in vain.
I call this a case of "over-entry": Too many sellers entered the market.
The expected loss due to over-entry is thus $( \delta C ) \sum_{j=J+1}^N (j-J) \cdot q^{j} (1-q)^{N-j} \binom{N}{j}$.
As the sellers make zero profit by assumption, this loss is paid by the buyer and thus decreases the buyer's profit.
2. Under-entry
When $j<J$ sellers decide to enter, then the buyer loses out on the opportunity to buy $J-j$ items.
I call this a case of "under-entry": Too few sellers entered the market.
Each of those lost sales would have increased his profit by $(v-C)$, the value the buyer has for the item minus the cost of producing that item.
The expected loss due to under-entry is thus $( v- C ) \sum_{j=0}^J (J-j) \cdot q^{j} (1-q)^{N-j} \binom{N}{j}$.
Thus the buyer basically would like to minimize these two factors that decrease his profits.
Let's call this the loss function.
loss[q]=&( \delta C ) \sum_{j=J+1}^N (j-J) \cdot q^{j} (1-q)^{N-j} \binom{N}{j} \\
( v- C ) \sum_{j=0}^J (J-j) \cdot q^{j} (1-q)^{N-j} \binom{N}{j}
With, as in the original problem, the restriction:
&(CAP-C) \sum_{j=1}^J q^{j-1} (1-q)^{N-1-j} \binom{N-1}{j-1} \notag
\delta C \sum_{j=J+1}^{N} q^{j-1} (1-q)^{N-1-j} \binom{N-1}{j-1}
The only free parameter for the buyer is to set $CAP$.
Setting $CAP$ affects the probability of entry through the restriction $q$.
I can thus solve the problem by finding the $q$ that minimizes $loss[q]$ and use the restriction then to determine the corresponding $CAP$.
Solving the Alternative Formulation
Let us thus differentiate $loss[q]$ and set it equal to zero.
0=&\frac{d loss[q]}{d q} \\
=& \delta C \sum_{j=J+1}^N (j-J) \Big(j \cdot q^{j-1} (1-q)^{N-j} \\
&-(N-j) \cdot q^{j} (1-q)^{N-1-j} \Big) \cdot \binom{N}{j} \\
( v- C ) \sum_{j=0}^J (J-j) \Big(j \cdot q^{j-1} (1-q)^{N-j} -(N-j) \cdot q^{j} (1-q)^{N-1-j} \Big) \cdot \binom{N}{j} \\
=& \delta C \Bigg(
\sum_{j=J+1}^N (j-J) j \cdot q^{j-1} (1-q)^{N-j} \binom{N}{j} \\
\sum_{j=J+1}^N (j-J) (N-j) \cdot q^{j} (1-q)^{N-1-j} \binom{N}{j}
\Bigg) \\
( v- C ) \Bigg( \sum_{j=0}^J (J-j) j \cdot q^{j-1} (1-q)^{N-j} \binom{N}{j} \\
\sum_{j=0}^J (J-j) (N-j) \cdot q^{j} (1-q)^{N-1-j} \binom{N}{j}
\Bigg) \\
=& \delta C \Bigg(
\sum_{j=J+1}^N (j-J) j \cdot q^{j-1} (1-q)^{N-j} \binom{N}{j} \\
\sum_{j=J+2}^{N+1} (j-1-J) (N+1-j) \cdot q^{j-1} (1-q)^{N-j} \binom{N}{j-1}
\Bigg) \\
( v- C ) \Bigg( \sum_{j=0}^J (J-j) j \cdot q^{j-1} (1-q)^{N-j} \binom{N}{j} \\
\sum_{j=1}^{J+1} (J+1-j) (N+1-j) \cdot q^{j-1} (1-q)^{N-j} \binom{N}{j-1}
\Bigg) \\
=& \delta C \Bigg(
\sum_{j=J+1}^N (j-J) j \cdot q^{j-1} (1-q)^{N-j} \binom{N}{j} \\
\sum_{j=J+1}^N (j-1-J) j \cdot q^{j-1} (1-q)^{N-j} \binom{N}{j}
\Bigg) \\
( v- C ) \Bigg( \sum_{j=0}^J (J-j) j \cdot q^{j-1} (1-q)^{N-j} \binom{N}{j} \\
\sum_{j=0}^J (J+1-j) j \cdot q^{j-1} (1-q)^{N-j} \binom{N}{j}
\Bigg) \\
=& \delta C \Bigg(
\sum_{j=J+1}^N j \cdot q^{j-1} (1-q)^{N-j} \binom{N}{j}
\Bigg) \\
( v- C ) \Bigg(
\sum_{j=0}^J j \cdot q^{j-1} (1-q)^{N-j} \binom{N}{j} + J \cdot q^{J-1} (1-q)^{N-J} \binom{N}{J}
Using the restriction to substitute for the term $\delta C \Bigg(
\sum_{j=J+1}^N j \cdot q^{j-1} (1-q)^{N-j} \binom{N}{j}
\Bigg) $ gives:
0=& (CAP-C) \Bigg(
\sum_{j=0}^J j \cdot q^{j-1} (1-q)^{N-j} \binom{N}{j}
( v- C ) \Bigg(
\sum_{j=0}^J j \cdot q^{j-1} (1-q)^{N-j} \binom{N}{j}
\Bigg) \\
=& (CAP-v) \Bigg(
\sum_{j=0}^J j \cdot q^{j-1} (1-q)^{N-j} \binom{N}{j}
We can thus conclude that $CAP \gtreqqless v \implies \frac{d loss[q]}{d q} \gtreqqless 0$ and $loss[q]$ is thus strictly convex and therefore has a global minimum at $CAP=v$.
Of course, given the setup, this implies that the buyer's profit reaches a global maximum at $CAP=v$.