The following problem arose when studying the same type of questions in Algebraic Geometry that led me to my previous question MO379272.
Let us consider the group $G$ of order $32$ whose label in GAP4 database is $G(32, \, 6)$. It is a semi-direct product of the form $(\mathbb{Z}_2)^3 \rtimes \mathbb{Z}_4$, whose presentation is
\begin{equation*} \begin{split} G=\langle x, \, y, \, z, \, w \; \mid \; & x^2 = y^2 = z^2 = w^4 = 1, \\ &[x, \, y]=1, \, [x, \, z]=1, \, [y,\, z]=1, \\ &wxw^{-1} = x, \, wyw^{-1} = xy, \, wzw^{-1} = yz \rangle \end{split} \end{equation*} It has nilpotency class $3$; its center is $Z(G)=\langle x \rangle \simeq \mathbb{Z}_2$ and its derived subgroup is $G'=\langle x, \, y \rangle \simeq \mathbb{Z}_2 \times \mathbb{Z}_2$.
I am looking for ordered strings of eight elements in $G$ $$\mathfrak{S} = (\mathrm{r}_{11}, \, \mathrm{t}_{11}, \, \mathrm{r}_{12}, \, \mathrm{t}_{12}, \, \mathrm{r}_{21}, \, \mathrm{t}_{21}, \, \mathrm{r}_{22}, \, \mathrm{t}_{22} )$$ such that the following relations are verified: $$[\mathrm{r}_{1j}, \, \mathrm{t}_{2k}]=[\mathrm{t}_{1j}, \, \mathrm{r}_{2k}]=x^{\delta_{jk}}, \quad [\mathrm{r}_{1j}, \, \mathrm{r}_{2k}]=[\mathrm{t}_{1j}, \, \mathrm{t}_{2k}]=1 \quad (\ast)$$ for all $j, \, k \in \{1, \, 2\}$. Using GAP4, I can prove the following
Proposition. The group $G$ admits no string $\mathfrak{S}$ satisfying $(\ast)$.
So far, I was unable to reprove this result by hand; as in my previous question, I am stuck in a jungle of case-by-case considerations, possibly because I am not really a specialist in Group Theory and something easy escapes me. So let me ask the
Question. What is a way to prove the Proposition above without using the computer?