Question: Given a planar region $R$ of unit area and an integer $n$, to cut $n$ circular disks (their sizes need not be equal) such that the highest fraction of $R$ is taken off.
A simple greedy algorithm would be to repeatedly cut the biggest disk that can be cut at each stage from what remains of $R$. I don't know of any $R$ and $n$ where this algorithm clearly fails to give an optimal result. Ideally, one is looking for a convex $R$ and some $n$ such that the greedy algorithm clearly fails.
Remarks: If from a given $R$, instead of disks, $n$ triangles or $n$ squares are to be cut such that max fraction of $R$ is to be removed, 'greedy' clearly fails in general. For simple examples, see R.Nandakumar's blog.
One can ask whether the problem of cutting say $n$ triangles off from a unit area $m$-gon is NP complete.
Note (18th Jan, 2021): One can also ask about covering a given $R$ with a specified number of disks (which could be of different sizes) such that the least portion of the covering disks go waste - and with say, squares instead of disks.