As I've written in the comments, the pushout square
\mathbb Z @>>> \mathbb Q\\
\mathbb Q @>>> \mathbb Q
is not a pullback square, providing a counterexample. However, there are additional hypotheses which work, namely that one of the maps is faithfully flat.
Suppose first that one of the maps (say $f$) has a section $r:B\to A$, i.e. $rf =\operatorname{id}_A$. Then we have a splitting of $A$-modules $B = A \oplus\ker r$, and the pushout square becomes
A @>i_1>> A\oplus \ker r\\
@VgVV @Vg\oplus hVV\\
C @>i_1>> C\oplus (\ker r\otimes_A C)
which obviously is a pullback square.
Since the $A$-module $B$ is flat, the functor $-\otimes_A B$ preserves finite limits. In particular, writing $A' = B\times_D C$ which receives a map $A\to A'$, the induced map $A'\otimes_A B\to (B\otimes_A B)\times_{D\otimes_A B} (C\otimes_A B)$ is an isomorphism. The composition of this map with the left inclusion $B\to A'\otimes_A B$ is then exactly the map from the top left corner to the pullback in the diagram obtained by taking the pushout over $A$ with $B$ everywhere; in particular, the top horizontal map $B\to B\otimes_A B$ has a section, namely the multiplication. By the result of the previous paragraph, the map from $B$ into the pullback, and hence also into $A'\otimes_A B$, is an isomorphism. Thus the map $A\to A'$ becomes an isomorphism after tensoring with $B$; if $B$ is faithfully flat, it must have been an isomorphism in the first place.
This argument is inspired by (and probably an application of) the theory of faithfully flat descent, compare the Stacks project.