The title says it all:
Let $E$ be a Banach lattice, which is isomorphic to a Hilbert space (as normed spaces). Is there an equivalent Hilbert norm on $E$, which still makes it a Banach lattice with respect to the original order structure on $E$?
Yes. This is a consequence of the fact that semi normalized unconditionally basic sequences in a Hilbert space are Riesz bases. For a theorem quoting proof of what you want, note that that the lattice structure on $E$ is order complete by reflexivity, and hence you have a family $E_a$ of finite dimensional sub lattices of $E$ that are directed by inclusion and whose union is dense. On each $E_a$ put a Hilbert lattice (with respect to the lattice structure on $E_a$ that is inherited from $E$) norm $\|\cdot\|_a$ that dominates the original norm and is no more than $C$ times the original norm. $E$ isomorphically embeds as a sublattice into an ultraproduct of $(E_a,\|\cdot\|_a)$, which is a Hilbert lattice.