There a well known generating function methods (the ''symbolic method'' and ''Poissonization'') which can be used to deal with this kind of question.
However, I am unable to point to a reference for this specific question (but it may well be out there).
Here is a self contained answer to get you started.
I rephrase your general question as an urn problem. Denote the cardinality of $C_i$ by $c_i$ and collect the useless coupons in class $C_{k+1}=U\setminus\bigcup_{i=1}^k C_i$, of cardinality $c_{k+1}=n-\sum_{i=1}^k c_i$.
Consider an urn which for $i\in\{1,\ldots k\}$ contains $c_i\geq 1$ distinguishable coupons of type $i$, and $c_{k+1}\geq 0$ further distinguishable coupons, altogether
$n:=c_1+\ldots+c_{k+1}$ coupons.
Coupons are drawn with replacement from this urn until for the first (random) time $T$ for an $i\in\{1,\ldots,k\}$ all different coupons
of type $i$ have been drawn at least once.
Let $Y_1(\ell),\ldots,Y_{k+1}(\ell)$ be the random variables $Y_i(\ell):=$ "number of different coupons of type $i$'' that have been drawn
at "time" $\ell$.
I use generating functions and start from the following basic
The generating function of (the joint distribution of)
$Y_1(\ell),\ldots,Y_{k+1}(\ell)$ is given by:
\mathbb{E}\, t_1^{Y_1(\ell)}\ldots t_n^{Y_{k+1}(\ell)}=\frac{\ell!} {n^\ell}[t^\ell] (1+(e^t-1)\,t_1)^{c_1}\cdot\ldots\cdot(1+(e^t-1)\,t_{k+1})^{c_{k+1}}
Proof Let $j_1+\ldots +j_{k+1}\leq\ell$.
$$\mathbb{P}(Y_1(\ell)=j_1,\ldots,Y_{k+1}(\ell)=j_{k+1})=\frac{1}{n^\ell}\cdot {c_1 \choose j_1}\cdots {c_{k+1} \choose j_{k+1}}\cdot \mathrm{Sur}(\ell, j_1+\ldots+j_{k+1})$$
where $\mathrm{Sur}(\ell,r)$ denotes the number of surjective mappings from $\{1,\ldots,\ell\}$ onto $\{1,\ldots,r\}$. (Namely, once the (possibly empty) sets $J_i\subset C_i$ of cardinality $j_i$ of appearing coupons from class $C_i$ are chosen, the sequence of draws may be viewed as the value table of a surjective mapping from $\{1,\ldots,\ell\}$ to $\bigcup_{i=1}^{k+1} J_i$. )
It is known that
$\mathrm{Sur}(\ell,r)=\ell!\,[t^\ell]\,(e^t-1)^r$ (since a such a surjective mapping corresponds uniquely to an ordered partition of
$\{1,\ldots,\ell\}$ in $r$ into non-empty subsets, and $e^t-1$ is the exponential generating function for non-empty sets). The assertion
about the g.f. follows. End of proof
(I) The distribution of $T$
Since $\{\,T > \ell\}=\{\,Y_1(\ell) < c_1,\ldots,Y_{k}(\ell)<c_k\,\}$ the above gives
\mathbb{P}(T>\ell) =\frac{\ell!} {n^\ell}[t^\ell]\, e^{c_{k+1}t} \prod_{i=1}^k \big(e^{tc_i} -(e^t-1)^{c_i})\big)
(II) The expectation of $T$
Finally, using $\mathbb{E} T=\sum_{\ell\geq 0} \mathbb{P}(T>\ell)$ and writing $\frac{\ell!}{n^\ell} =n\,\int_0^\infty\,s^\ell e^{-ns}\,ds$ leads to
$$\mathbb{E}(T)=n\int_0^\infty \prod_{i=1}^k\big(1-(1-e^{-s})^{c_i}\big)\,ds$$
ADDED Similar formulas for the expectation of related waiting times can be found here (Theorem 3.1)