Yes, this is true in general case. Let $P={\rm conv} M$ for a finite set $M\subset \mathbb{Q}^n$, and let $x_0$ be a minimizer of $\|x\|^2$ over $x\in P$. I am going to prove that $x_0\in \mathbb{Q}^n$, that implies $\|x_0\|^2\in \mathbb{Q}$.
Consider the plane $\alpha:=\{x\colon \langle x,x_0\rangle=\|x_0\|^2\}$ passing through $x_0$ and orthogonal to $x_0$, and the half-space $\alpha_+:=\{x\colon \langle x,x_0\rangle\geqslant \|x_0\|^2\}$. Note that $P\subset \alpha_+$: otherwise, if $p\in P$ satisfy $\langle p,x_0\rangle< \|x_0\|^2$, then $$\|x_0+t(p-x_0)\|^2=\|x_0\|^2+2t\langle x_0,p-x_0\rangle+t^2\|p-x_0\|^2<\|x_0\|^2$$ if $t>0$ is small enough, that contradicts to minimality as $x_0+t(p-x_0)\in P$ for $t\in (0,1)$.
Choose the minimal number of points $v_1,\ldots,v_r\in M$ for which $x_0\in {\rm conv}(v_1,\ldots,v_r)$. Then $x_0=c_1v_1+\ldots+c_rv_r$ for strictly positive $c_i\in (0,1)$, $\sum c_i=1$. We have $v_i\in \alpha$ for all $i$, otherwise $x_0$ would lie in the interior of $\alpha_+$. Next, the vectors $v_r-v_1,v_r-v_2,\ldots,v_r-v_{r-1}$ are linearly independent. Indeed, if they were dependent, we would have a linear dependence $t_1v_1+\ldots+t_r v_r=0$ with $\sum t_i=0$. Choosing maximal $s>0$ for which all numbers $c_i+st_i$ are nonnegative (thus at least one of them equals to 0), we get a representation $x_0=\sum (c_i+st_i)v_i$, i.e., $x_0$ belongs to a convex hull of less than $r$ $v_i$'s, a contradiction. Then taking the inner product of the representation
x_0=v_r+\sum_{i=1}^{r-1} c_i (v_i-v_r)
with vectors $v_1-v_r$, $v_2-v_r$, $\ldots$, $v_{r-1}-v_r$ we get a linear system of $r-1$ equations for $c_1,\ldots,c_{r-1}$ (note that $\langle x_0, v_i-v_r\rangle=0$ as $v_i,v_r\in \alpha$, so the system does not involve $x_0$ and has rational coefficients). the matrix of this system is Gram matrix of the vectors $v_i-v_r$, $i=1,\ldots,r-1$. They are linearly independent, thus this matrix is non-singular. So, $c_i$'s may be found from this system of equations and they are rational. Thus $x_0\in \mathbb{Q}^n$.