According to Forstneric's book, pag 123, it is a long standing problem whether it exists a Fatou-Bieberbach domain in $\Bbb C^*\times\Bbb C^*$.
The idea is to search for an $F:\Bbb C^2\to\Bbb C^2$ biholomorphic fixing coordinate axis (calling $(x,y)$ and $(x',y')$ the coordinate in the domain/codomain resp. we have $F(\{x=0\})\subseteq\{x'=0\}$ and $F(\{y=0\})\subseteq\{y'=0\}$) having $(1,1)$ as an attractive fixed point.
In this case, the basin of attraction of such $F$ would do the job.
Now, if $F$ is a polynomial automorphism then the jacobian has to be a constant $c\neq0$, and it follows from this paper by Nishimura, that is this case $F$ needs to be of the following form: $$ x'=cxe^{-\alpha(xy)}\\ y'=ye^{\alpha(xy)}\;\;\; $$ for some $\alpha\in\mathcal O(\Bbb C)$. Being $F$ polynomial, $\alpha$ needs to be constant and wlog we take it $\alpha\equiv0$, from which $F(x,y)=(cx,y)$; since $(1,1)$ has to be fixed point, it follows that $c=1$ hence $F=\operatorname{id}$ so $(1,1)$ cannot be attractive.
Does exist any development in this direction? Any paper talking about it suggesting some possible way to attack it?