Is anything known about computational complexity of finding $X$ which satisfies the following matrix equation?
$$\sum_i^n A_i X B_i = C$$
With $A_i,B_i,C$ dense $d\times d$ matrices. Any literature pointers are appreciated!
Is anything known about computational complexity of finding $X$ which satisfies the following matrix equation?
$$\sum_i^n A_i X B_i = C$$
With $A_i,B_i,C$ dense $d\times d$ matrices. Any literature pointers are appreciated!
This is exactly equivalent to asking the complexity of solving $\Phi(X) = C$, where $\Phi$ is a linear transformation acting on the vector space of $d \times d$ matrices. Since that vector space is $d^2$-dimensional, this has complexity $O((d^2)^3) = O(d^6)$ (or more precisely, $O((d^2)^\omega) = O(d^{2\omega})$, where $\omega$ is the exponent of matrix multiplication).
If $n$ is significantly smaller than $d^2$ though, you can do better. For example, if $n = 1$ then this is $O(d^3)$ via pseudoinverses of $A$ and $B$. If $n = 2$ then this is a generalized Sylvester equation, which is also $O(d^3)$.
it switches from O(d^3)
to O(d^6)
Nov 18, 2020 at 3:44