Markus Mueller's Phd thesis is about quantum Kolmogorov complexity.
Quantum Kolmogorov Complexity and the Quantum Turing Machine
Here is his definition:
Given a Quantum Turing Machine $M$ and a finite error $\delta>0$, the finite-error quantum Kolmogorov complexity of a qubit string $|x\rangle$ is
$K_\delta^Q(x)=\min\limits_p\Big\{\ell(p): \|x-M(p)\|_{\mathrm{tr}}<\delta\Big\}$
and the approximate-scheme quantum Kolmogorov complexity of $|x\rangle$ is
$K^Q(x)=\min\limits_p\left\{\ell(p): \forall k\in\mathbb{N}: \|x-M(p,k)\|_{\mathrm{tr}}<\frac{1}{k}\right\}$
where $\|\cdot\|_{\mathrm{tr}}$ is the trace norm, i.e. $\|\rho-\sigma\|_{\mathrm{tr}}:=\frac{1}{2}\operatorname{Tr}\left(\sqrt{(\rho-\sigma)^\dagger(\rho-\sigma)}\right)$.
Another version of quantum Kolmogorov complexity of $|x\rangle$ with respect to quantum Turing machine $M$ is
$K^Q(x)=\min\limits_p\left\{\ell(p)+\lceil -\log\|\langle z|x\rangle\|^2\rceil: M(p)=|z\rangle\right\}$
You can find this version in Ming Li and Paul Vitanyi's book: An Introduction to Kolmogorov Complexity and Its Applications