Mathematicians work a lot and are usually inspired by many things. In their lifetimes they get to publish only portions of their results. There have been stories of how Gauss, Euler, Ramanujan, Einstein, Hilbert etc kept notebooks and in it we can find glimpses to their thought processes and glimpses to results they did not publish and nevertheless would have turned to be important if in fact they had done. These are known classical examples.
Are there notable example of recent mathematicians who kept such notebooks?
I find lot of mathematicians have blogs but these are on published results. Do mathematicians still have such notebooks and if so when do they transfer their results usually to their notebooks and when do they transfer such results to publication (in other words I am asking for organizing principles for organizing thought processes and progress)?
where I start some tex file every time something in my head manages to attract my attention. The result is above 1 gb, almost 30 folders with some of them having up to 10 subfolders, and if I pick something at random, as a rule I can make no more sense out of it than of some dream I might have one of the nights from that time. Moral: only keep notebooks if you really know what you are doing. $\endgroup$