We have a black box $f:X\mapsto B^{-1}(X-A)(DB^{-1}(X-A)+C)^{-1}$.
We are looking for approximations of $A,B,C,D\in M_n$, where $A,B,C$ are invertible.
Note that if $(A,B,C,D)$ is a solution, then $(A,u B,\dfrac{1}{u}C,D)$ too, where $u\in\mathbb{C}^*$.
$\textbf{Step 1.}$ Note that we have also the black box $X\mapsto g(X)=f(X)^{-1}=D+C(X-A)^{-1}B$.
We use the following two calls to the black box with $X=\infty,X=0_n$,
practically $g(10^{20}RandomMatrix(n))\approx D,g(0_n)=D-CA^{-1}B$.
Thus we know $D$ and $CA^{-1}B$.
Thus we have the blackbox $h:X \mapsto (g(X)-D)^{-1}+(CA^{-1}B)^{-1}=B^{-1}XC^{-1}$.
In other words, $h=B^{-1}\otimes C^{-T}=U\otimes V$ (One stacks a vector into a matrix row by row), and it remains to obtain approximations of $U,V$.
$\textbf{Step 2.}$ The decomposition of a non-zero $h$ into a tensor is unique, up to a factor: if $(U,V)$ is a solution, then the other solutions are in the form $(\lambda U,\dfrac{1}{\lambda}V)$, where $\lambda\in\mathbb{C}^*$ -we get back to the non-uniqueness of $B,C$ in the original problem-.
Note that the algebraic equations $UX_iV^T=h(X_i)$, in the unknowns $(u_{i,j}),(v_{i,j})$, have degree $2$ but no longer contain denominators like the previous ones associated to $f,g$.
To obtain the $2n^2-1$ unknowns, we must call the blackbox at least $2$ times.
Unfortunately, if we randomly choose the $(X_i)_{i\leq 2}$, then, in general, that does not work.
Using the Maple's command "fsolve" we have performed numerical tests -for $n\leq 5$-. That "shows" that if we randomly choose $3$ matrices $(X_i)_{i\leq 3}$, then we obtain always an approximation of "the" solution.
Yet, the software "fsolve" is not very powerfull; we get the solution much faster if we make $4,5$ or $6$ calls to the black box.
$\textbf{Conclusion.}$ Above is exposed a method allowing to calculate approximations of $A,B,C,D$ using at least $5$ calls to the black box. Obviously, when $n$ increases, it is necessary to increase the number of calls.