
This question comes from some reasoning I made myself about a "joke block chain" where every new block is labeled with a triplet <S, P, N> where where S = sum of the N transactions so far and P = product of the N transactions.

So let's say we start with:

<5, 5, 1> => [5]
<- include a transaction of 3
<8, 15, 2> => [5, 3] or [3, 5]
<- merge with another branch having <5, 6, 2> ([3,2] or [2,3])
<13, 90, 4> => [5, 3, 3, 2] <- in any order

I hypothesise that such triplets are unique because it seems to me that N limits the possible groupings of P factors and S identifies one of those gropings, and you can't apply tricks like "keep multiplying by 1 to tune the sum" because then N will also change.

Is there any literature about this? How could I demonstrate the uniqueness of such triplets?

Given one of those triplets, can the problem of identifying the "original" numbers be considered hard? I know factorisation is NP, does adding S and N change its complexity?

Extra question: could there be a way to check if a triplet is "valid" (meaning there actually exists a set of N integers that satisfy the S and P constraints) without actually solving it?

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ I think you're asking whether there are positive integers $a_1,\dots,a_n$ and $b_1,\dots,b_n$, $a_i\ne b_j$, such that $\sum a_i=\sum b_i$ and $\prod a_i=\prod b_i$. $\endgroup$ Commented Oct 8, 2020 at 8:59

3 Answers 3


If I understand the question, then the triple $(30,840,3)$ could come from $6+10+14=30$, $6\times10\times14=840$ or from $7+8+15=30$, $7\times8\times15=840$.


No, the solution is not always unique. You may be interested in a well-known recreational math puzzle in which, essentially, one needs to find the values of $S$ for which $\langle S, 72, 3\rangle$ does not have a unique solution: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ages_of_Three_Children_puzzle . I do not write the counterexample here to avoid spoiling the puzzle, but it is on that Wikipedia page.


As to uniqueness, the answer is no as per the answers by Gerry Myerson and Federico Poloni.

As to hardness: assuming the tuple $\langle S,P,N\rangle$ has a solution, finding it is no harder than factoring $P$ (which in your intended "blockchain" application would likely be not so very hard, given that it would presumably have lots of smallish prime factors). $P$ can have no more than ${\rm O}(\log P)$ and no fewer than $N$ prime factors. For a solution, it remains to partition these into $N$ non-empty sets $S_i$ and to check if $\sum_i\prod_{p\in S_i}p=S$. Since the number of such partitions for $f$ factors is given by the Stirling number of the second kind $\left\{f\atop N\right\}$, you can get a bound on the effort from the asymptotic behavior of those.


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