The question concerns statistic properties of random words in a finite alphabet $A$.
By $A^{<\omega}$ we denote the set of all words in the alphabet $A$, i.e. finite sequences of elements of $A$.
Let $w$ be a word in the alphabet $A$. A nonempty word $u\in A^{<\omega}$ is called $w$-fixed if $w$ contains a unique subword, equal to $u$.
The dictionary of the word $w$ is defined as the set $D(w)$ of all minimal $w$-fixed subwords of $w$.
The fraction $$\rho(w)=\frac{|D(w)|}{|w|}$$will be called the randomness of the text $w$. Here $|D(w)|$ and $|w|$ is the cardinality of the set $D(w)$ and the length of the word $w$, respectively.
For example, for the word "Mathoverflow" its dictionary is the set $\{$'M', 'A', 'T', 'H', 'V', 'E', 'R', 'F', 'L', 'W'$\}$ and the randomness is equal to $$\frac{10}{12}\approx 0.833...$$
On the other hand, for the word "Stackexchange" the distionary is the set $\{$'S', 'T', 'K', 'X', 'H', 'N', 'G', 'AC'$\}$ and its randomness is equal to $$\frac{8}{13}\approx 0.615...$$
The computer calculations show that the randomness of the text about Mathoverflow in Wikipedia has length 2570 and randomness equal to $\frac{1087}{2570}=0.423...$
The text about Conan Doyl from Wikipedia has randomness $\frac{10120}{25710}\approx 0.394...$
and the text about Communism in Wikipedia has randomness $\frac{11952}{40230}\approx 0.297...$
Three randomly generated texts of the same length as the mentioned meaningfull texts from Wikipedia have randomness $\frac{2220}{2570}=0.864...$, $\frac{19866}{25710}=0.773...,$ and $\frac{33552}{40230}=0.834...$, respectively (if my program counts well).
So, we see that real meaningfull texts have smaller randomness (which decreases with growth of the length of the text) comparing to the randomness of random texts.
Problem 1. What is an expected value $\rho_n(|A|)$ of the randomness $\rho(w)$ of a random word of a fixed length $n$ in the alphabet $A$? What is the value of the limit $\rho_\infty(|A|)=\lim_{n\to\infty}\rho_n(|A|)$? (I hope that this limit does exist and depend on $|A|$).
Problem 2. Is the above randomness of texts related to other randomness measures like entropy?
Remark. Taking into account that any two minimal $w$-fixed words with the same starting letter coincide, we can conclude that $|D(w)|\le|w|$ and hence $\rho_n(|A|)\le 1$ for any alphabet $A$ and any $n$. Consequently, $\rho_\infty(|A|)\le 1$ (if this limit exists).