Consider the Reedy category $2\rightarrow 1 \leftarrow 0$. Consider a map of diagrams of topological spaces $D\to E$ over this Reedy category:
The maps which are fibrations are depicted with the symbol $\twoheadrightarrow$: the map of diagrams $D\to E$ is a pointwise fibration, and moreover the maps $D_2\to D_1$ and $E_2\to E_1$ are fibrations as well. This implies that the two diagrams $D$ and $E$ are Reedy fibrant. We suppose moreover that the map $D_2 \twoheadrightarrow E_2 \times_{E_1} D_1$ (not depicted in the image) is a fibration as well. Therefore the map of diagrams $D\to E$ is a Reedy fibration. For the Reedy model structure, the inverse limit is a right Quillen functor. This implies that the map $f$ from the inverse limit of D to the inverse limit of E is a fibration.
Here is now the question.
With these hypotheses, is it sufficient to conclude that
$$\varprojlim D \longrightarrow \varprojlim E \times_{E_0} D_0$$
is a fibration as well ? If not, what is missing ?