
This is a (probably very naive question) about area-preserving maps of surfaces.

Does there exist a Hamiltonian diffeomorphism $$ f: \Sigma \to \Sigma $$ of a symplectic surface (real dimension $2$), possibly with boundary $\partial \Sigma$, such that $f|_{\partial \Sigma} = id$, and such that all periodic points of $f$ in the interior of $\Sigma$ are hyperbolic in the sense if $x$ is a periodic point, i.e. $f^n(x) = x$, then $d(f^n): T_x\Sigma \to T_x\Sigma$ has no eigenvalues on the unit circle?

If one exists, what is a simple construction of such an $f$?

  • $\begingroup$ If you change the manifold $\endgroup$ Commented Oct 6, 2020 at 17:07


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