In a Grothendieck $\infty$-topos, it is known that, for arbitrarily large regular cardinals $\kappa$, there is a classifier for the class of relatively $\kappa$-compact morphisms. It is also easy to show that this is not the case in 1-toposes, because we might have isomorphic, but not equal, such morphisms classified by the same map. However, we should be able to recover at least part of the definition of an object classifier. Namely, I need to know that in a Grothendieck 1-topos, for arbitrarily large regular cardinals $\kappa$, there is a map $t: U' \to U$ such that for every relatively $\kappa$-compact morphism $f: X \to Y$ there exists a pullback square
$\require{AMScd}$ \begin{CD} X @>>> U'\\ @VfVV @VVtV\\ Y @>>> U \end{CD}
(not necessarily unique and such that the map $Y \to U$ doesn't necessarily only classify $f$). I feel that this should definitely be true, but I can't find it anywhere in the literature. It would be very nice to have a reference for it, or a confutation in the unfortunate case I'm wrong. Thanks!