I asked this question at MSE a week ago, but received no answer, so I cross-post it here.
I obtained a negative answer to this MSE question provided each metric space $X$ such that $|X|=\frak c$ and density $d(X)<\frak c$, contains a Borel set $B$ such that $|B\setminus C|=\frak c$ for each $F_\sigma$-subset $C$ of $X$ with $C\subset B$. My question is whether the latter claim holds. I guess this is known (and true), but it is hard to find a reference. Thanks.
My try. I guess using Theorem 22.4 from [Kech] I can show the claim when $X$ is Polish. To prove the claim for a separable $X$, by Proposition 12.1 from [Kech], it suffices to prove it for subspaces of an arbitrary fixed Polish space.
[Kech] A. Kechris, Classical Descriptive Set Theory, Springer, 1995.