Is there a plane graph such that
(1) the outer face has degree 3, i.e, is a triangle,
(2) every inner face has degree 5, and
(3) any two degree 5 faces share at most one commong edge.
Is there a plane graph such that
(1) the outer face has degree 3, i.e, is a triangle,
(2) every inner face has degree 5, and
(3) any two degree 5 faces share at most one commong edge.
Using Timothy Budd's suggestion, it is easy to find such a graph by gluing two dodecahedra together. Here is the SageMath code to make this graph.
d1 = graphs.DodecahedralGraph()
d2 = graphs.DodecahedralGraph()
h = d1.disjoint_union(d2)
Here is the picture
If you need to check that everything is satisfied then the below code finds all the 5-faces as sets of vertex-pairs (hence the nested "Set" stuff) and then checks all the pairwise intersections.
f5s = [Set([Set(e) for e in f]) for f in h.faces() if len(f) == 5]
[len(x.intersection(y)) for x in f5s for y in f5s if x != y]