Let $ M $ be a topological $ 2 $-manifold (possibly with boundary), $ C $ an arc in the interior of $ M $ (i.e., an injective continuous function from $ [- 1,1] $ into $ \operatorname{Int}(M) $), and $ K $ a compact subset of $ M $ that is disjoint from $ \operatorname{Range}(C) $.
Problem. Prove that there exists a continuous embedding $ f: [- 2,2] \times [- 1,1] \to M $ with the following properties:
- For all $ x \in [- 1,1] $, we have $ f(x,0) = C(x) $.
- $ \operatorname{Range}(f) \cap K = \varnothing $.
I think that the Jordan-Schoenflies Theorem is needed to solve this problem, but I do not know how to do it. Thank you!