
Let $k$ be a field, $X$ be a complete variety over $k$, $V$ be an open subvariety of $X$, $Y$ be a scheme over $k$. Suppose $L$ is a line bundle on $V\times Y$. If $L|_{V\times\lbrace y\rbrace}$ extends to a line bundle on $X\times\lbrace y\rbrace$ for every closed point $y$ of $Y$, does the line bundle $L$ extend to $X\times Y$?

What if a stronger condition is assumed ,namely for any functor $\phi\colon\operatorname{Pic}(V\times Y) \to \operatorname{Pic}(V)$ (here $\operatorname{Pic}$ denotes the Picard functors), the line bundle $\phi(L)$ on $V$ extends to $X$. Does $L$ extends to $X\times Y$?

Edit: $X$ is assumed to be smooth i.e. a smooth complete variety.

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ Welcome new contributor. That is not true. Let $X$ be a nodal plane quartic curve, let $Y$ be the normalization of $X$, let $V$ be the open complement of the node, i.e., the maximal open subscheme over which $Y\to X$ is an isomorphism, and let $L$ be the invertible sheaf of the effective Cartier divisor in $V\times Y$ that is the image of the graph of the open inclusion of $V$ in $Y$. $\endgroup$ Aug 18, 2020 at 23:15
  • $\begingroup$ Hi @JasonStarr , thank you for your answer. I should've said $X$ is smooth. Would my statements be true? $\endgroup$
    – Parkey
    Aug 19, 2020 at 2:50

1 Answer 1


Welcome new contributor. This is not true, even if $X$ is smooth. One example permutes the role of $X$ and $Y$ in my previous example.

Let $X$ be a smooth, geometrically connected, projective curve of genus $g>0$. Let $f:X\to Y$ be the normalization of a nodal curve with a single node $p$ that is a $k$-rational point. For instance, $Y$ could be a nodal plane quartic, and $X$ could be the normalization (a genus $3$ curve). Assume that the preimage of $\{p\}$ in $X$ is split, i.e., $\{r',r''\}$ for $k$-rational points $r',r''$ of $X$.

Let $V$ be the open complement of $\{r',r''\}$ in $X$. Denote the graph morphism of the restriction of $f$ to $V$ as follows, $$\Gamma:V\to V\times Y.$$ The image of this graph morphism is a prime Cartier divisor in $V\times Y$. Denote by $L$ the invertible sheaf on $V\times Y$ associated to this Cartier divisor.

The pullback of this Cartier divisor to $V\times X$ does extend to a Cartier divisor on $X\times X$. Every such extension is of the form $$D_{c',c''} = \underline{\Delta} + \text{pr}_1^*\left(c' \underline{r'} + c''\underline{r''}\right).$$

For each of these extended Cartier divisors, the restrictions over $X\times \{r'\}$ and over $X\times \{r''\}$ are not rationally equivalent. Indeed, if they were, then $\underline{r'}$ and $\underline{r''}$ would be rationally equivalent, so that the genus $g$ equals $0$. (This was my reason for working with smooth curves of positive genus.) Since $X\times X$ is smooth, the homomorphism from the group of rational equivalence classes of Cartier divisors to the Picard group is an isomorphism. Thus, every invertible sheaf on $X\times X$ that extends the pullback of $L$ has non-isomorphic restrictions over $X\times\{r'\}$ and over $X\times\{r''\}$. Therefore each extended invertible sheaf on $X\times X$ is not isomorphic to the pullback of an invertible sheaf on $X\times Y$.

Edit. In the example above, for every Zariski cover $Y'\to Y$, the same result holds. However, there is an étale cover $Y'\to Y$ such that the invertible sheaf extends to $X\times Y'$. For an example where there is no such extension even after an étale cover, instead of letting $X\to Y$ be the normalization of a nodal curve, let is be the normalization of a cuspidal curve. Then the same construction gives an invertible sheaf $L$ on $V\times Y$ such that for every étale cover $Y'\to Y$, there is no extension of the invertible sheaf to $X\times Y'$.

  • $\begingroup$ Thank you very much for the example and detailed elaboration! I realize I only want to consider the extension result locally on $Y$. So I have a further question: Can the line bundle $L$ (in your example and in general) extends at least locally on $Y$ i.e. there exists a (Zarisiki, etale or fppf) cover $\lbrace Y_i \to Y \rbrace$ such that $L|_{V \times Y_i}$ extends to $L|_{X \times Y_i}$ for each $i$ ? $\endgroup$
    – Parkey
    Aug 19, 2020 at 11:36
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ That still does not work. Let me modify the example above to explain this. $\endgroup$ Aug 19, 2020 at 13:34
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ Thx @JasonStarr. I don't see your modification. But I guess you were trying to say that there is no neighborhood $U_p$ around $p$ such that $L|_{V \times U_p} $extends to $L|_{X \times U_p}$ for similar reason? I'm not entirely sure though... $\endgroup$
    – Parkey
    Aug 20, 2020 at 11:13
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ Yes, that is precisely what I expect. I will try to write a proof soon. $\endgroup$ Aug 22, 2020 at 13:11
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ I am probably not going to have time to write a proof soon. There are three key steps. First, by Zariski's Main Theorem, for the normalization $\widetilde{Y}$ of $Y$, every extension of the Cartier divisor on $X\times \text{Spec}\ k(Y)$ extends uniquely to $X\times \widetilde{Y}$. Next, by Artin approximation (or something simpler), after base change by an etale extension, the irreducible containing a specified closed point of $Y$ are geometrically irreducible. Finally, a sufficiently ramified fppf cover factors through the normalization. $\endgroup$ Aug 23, 2020 at 12:59

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