This question is two-fold.
The first question is rather specific: what are some small examples of negative surgeries on negative knots that give rise to the same 3-manifold? I know one class of examples coming from Borromean rings. By performing $-1/m$ and $-1/n$ surgery on two components of the Borromean rings, we get the double twist knot $K_{m,n}$ which is negative. Now, $-1/l$ surgery on $K_{m,n}$ is just $-1/l$, $-1/m$ and $-1/n$ surgery on the Borromean rings, and by the symmetry of the Borromean rings, it is the same as $-1/m$ surgery on $K_{l,n}$ and $-1/n$ surgery on $K_{l,m}$. I would like to know some other simple examples (preferably with knots with small number of crossings).
The second question is a bit vague: what is known about the class of 3-manifolds obtained as negative surgeries on negative knots? I am curious to know if there are some theorems saying this class of 3-manifolds are "nice" in some way. Any kind of input would be greatly appreciated.