Suppose $C$ is a complex projective curve (or a compact $1$-dimensional connected reduced complex space). If $C$ is smooth, then its module of differentials $\Omega^1_C$ is locally free. If $C$ is a singular prestable curve (i.e. its singularities are at worst ordinary nodes), then $\Omega^1_C$ is coherent, but not a locally free sheaf.
Can we find a canonical finite complex of vector bundles $E^\bullet$ on $C$ resolving $\Omega^1_C$?
It's easy to find such a canonical resolution locally near a node. Let $p\in C$ be a node and assume that the two branches meeting at $C$ are $A,B$. Then, we may embed $C$ locally into $A\times B$ as $A\times\{p\}\cup\{p\}\times B$. This is the zero locus of a tautologically defined section $s$ of the bundle $L =\mathcal O_A(p)\boxtimes\mathcal O_B(p)$. Then, the conormal sequence $0\to L^\vee|_C\to\Omega^1_{A\times B}|_C\to\Omega^1_C\to0$ is a (local) resolution by a two term complex of vector bundles. I don't see any obvious way to globalize this construction though.
My main motivation is to set up a Dolbeault type complex to better understand the vector space $\text{Ext}^1(\Omega^1_C,\mathcal O_C)$ which is the space of first order deformations of $C$. More generally, I also want to use this type of Dolbeault complex to understand the deformations of (possibly nodal) pseudo-holomorphic maps in almost complex manifolds.