I am a mathematician who has become interested in some of the mathematics of string theory, of which I am largely ignorant, so please excuse any idiocies in what follows.
If $X$ is a Calabi-Yau $d$-fold (henceforth $CY_{d}$) then there is an associated sheaf of vertex algebras $\Omega^{ch}_{X}$, which is moreover endowed with an action of the $\mathcal{N}=2$ SUSY algebra at central charge $c=3d$. The reader can consult https://arxiv.org/abs/math/9803041 for a construction of this object. We can take cohomology of the above sheaf to produce a vertex algebra with an action of the $\mathcal{N}=2$, which we denote $H^{ch}(X)$.
Now my reading of the physics literature is that $H^{ch}(X)$ is expected (known?) to be invariant under a specific (outer) automorphism of the $\mathcal{N}=2$, known as the spectral flow, and denoted $\sigma$. This is an explicitly defined automorphism, one can find a definition in https://arxiv.org/pdf/1003.1555.pdf. Invariance here is presumably meant to mean that there is an isomorphism between $H^{ch}(X)$ and its $\sigma$-twist, ie the same underlying vector space with action of $x$ in the $\mathcal{N}=2$ defined by $\sigma(x)$. My first question is then, is this the correct notion of spectral flow invariance?
Now this seems to me to be quite a remarkable property, indeed even flowing the vacuum vector a number of times seems to produce some interesting universal (ie they exist naturally for each $X$) classes in $H^{ch}(X)$. These classes moreover have very particular properties with respect to the $\mathcal{N}=2$, specifically they are highest weight vectors for a spectral twist of a massless irrep. I can prove rigorously that these classes exist by hand (it is not quite trivial) but cannot prove that the representation $H^{ch}(X)$ is indeed invariant under spectral flow. Is a mathematically rigorous proof/ construction known in the literature?
Edit: I should stress that the isomorphism between $H^{ch}$ and its $\sigma$ twist is an isomorphism as $\mathcal{N}=2$ modules, as opposed to algebras. At least this is my reading of the physics.